活動動画 公開中!

スタッフBLOG トリトン・アーツ・ネットワークの公演活動やコミュニティ活動の最新情報をスタッフがお届けします。









Dear Audience and Chamber Music Lovers,

We are so sorry to inform you that due to a family medical situation the cellist of the Miró Quartet, Joshua Gindele, was forced to leave Japan and return immediately to the United States. As this concert of the complete Beethoven opus 59 "Razumovsky" quartets in one concert is a very special occurrence, representing years of study and preparation by the Miró Quartet together, it is an experience not possible for us to perform for you worthily with any substitute player.

With deepest apologies, we request our audience's permission to postpone this concert until Saturday May 10. On this date the Miró Quartet will expressly return to Japan at their own expense to present for you our promised "Razumovsky" concert, in the highest artistic manner that you, our audience, expects and deserves.

Once again we offer you our most sincere and humble apologies in this most unfortunate situation, and thank you deeply for your gracious understanding.

Yours Truly,
The Miró Quartet"

Written by John Largess

2月1日(土)ミロ・クァルテット公演詳細は こちら
